This task is designed to develop a skill in technology and to help me look at and realise my real thoughts on the programme.
I have been struggling on how to approach this task as it is not an easy thing for me to sit and film myself talking, it has definitely helped looking at other peoples blogs from the course on how they have chosen to approach this.
So for now. . .
Since the start of February when I started this course I have moved to The Isle of Wight for work, had 2 weeks of long day rehearsals teaching the new team members our 4 shows, our hotel opened and we continued rehearsals (this was the start of the even longer days of rehearsing, daytime activities and evening shows), we are now finally starting to find some normality where we are not doing such long days which helps when it comes to finally sitting down and getting to attack this BAPP Course.
This photo is what my bed constantly looks like to remind myself that I have work to do
It's been very hard so far juggling work and trying to find time to dedicate to the course. Every time I think I'm doing well and getting back on track something else happens at work and I have to give more time to that. So I'm feeling extremely unorganised and that is so unlike me, as I am the type of girl who lives for organising her filofax to ensure I never miss a thing!
My life currently revolves around making lists and writing all over my rota to make sure I keep on top of everything.
With the course itself its ok, I am struggling but I think thats because I'm not giving myself long enough to get into the flow of things. Everything is very bitty and I have to keep coming back to it and picking up where I left off. So I need to come up with a way of making more time to allow myself to enjoy and learn from what I am doing. I wanted to do this course to expand my knowledge of the industry and give myself more options within my career as I get older and can no longer perform. So far it has opened my eyes and made me think about things that I already knew but never really got around to doing or understanding. I am looking forward to learning and growing throughout this course.
Did I miss any links?
ReplyDeleteNot yet, I will hopefully upload one soon