Monday, 20 March 2017

Task 1b Professional Communication Technologies

Professional Communication Technologies

The title of this task scared me. I immediately printed off and looked over reader 1, flicked through the pages and thought great I'm in trouble. I knew it would take me a while to understand and get through it but I had myself a free afternoon from work so I made myself sit down with a highlighter and I worked my way through it. It took time but I did it. Even after doing that I still wasn't 100% sure, so I read through it again taking out the parts I had highlighted and made a spider diagram trying to link the different parts and get a better understanding. I think I'm finally getting there.

What are Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?

Web 1.0 - A creator and a Reader, one way communication e.g. newspaper or television
Web 2.0 - Usually allows the users to interact with each other, make formal and informal connections and share e.g. social networking such as Facebook, twitter, blogs

Web 2.0 can then be broken down into 3 other categories
Architectures of Participation, Remixable Data and Transformation and Harnessing Collective Intelligence

Using Web 2.0

Before starting this course I had never thought or heard of the term Web 2.0 and now that I have and I've been reading up on it and aiming to understand it,  It's hard not to think about how much my life revolves around the subject. In this day and age this kind of technology is used constantly by people of all ages and for a variety of reasons. Myself personally it started out as just using social media for talking to friends, having a way to share photos and see what my friends were doing, then as a way to keep in touch as I started to travel and meet people all over the world. Once attending dance college it was a way of connecting, making contacts within the industry, learning about my potential employers and being able to follow their work. So for me personally there are many positives for using Web 2.0 but what about the negatives?

When researching the negative effects of social media many websites used the same main points: a false sense of connection, cyber bulling, decreased productivity and privacy.

The problem for many is that it is so easily accessible with smart phones constantly in hand, tablets, laptops, the amazing free wifi that we all long for as soon as we venture out. It is hard to distance yourself to let yourself get jobs done, work completed. Even now I've been at work this morning, I'm back in work later tonight, I've got my mac in front of me with 9 different pages open, phone by my side buzzing every few minutes, TV on in the background. It left me thinking is access to everything a negative? I came across this page with what I thought was a great title and this quote and I liked how simply it was put.

 “It’s not about ‘don’t spend time on Facebook’, but just be aware of what it might be doing to you”, Professor Keith Wilcox, Columbia University. 

- See more at:

So maybe there is an in between, as long as you have an understanding of where you stand as an individual and you are happy, does it really matter?

1 comment:

  1. yes like what Ann Smarty Community Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas had to say - a positive impact but with various factors to consider - each organisation seems to have its own brand - like "Warner Leisure Hotels" - like the links to the research by Wilcox - I think research on how the web affects us is worth reading - and comparing to our experience - like social media for higher education... Can you please activate you links on the blog ? it is greet to be able to go right to the digital sources - have you been on others blogs? All our up on my blog and I have send the sharing list round...
