Friday 21 April 2017

Task 2c Reflective Theory

Having read through Reader 2 and approached the tasks, I thought I should really think about how I learn and what approach will be best and help me to succeed as I carry on with the module.

Again my mind maps have helped me to get through this task and get to grips with understanding these concepts.

I have grown to realise that everyone does learn differently and even though there are styles as stated throughout Reader 2, every individual has their own learning style which helps them to succeed, grow and learn. I know for myself keeping everything together, using different colours, rewriting the key points, highlighting and creating my own mind map creations helps me to process different types of information. For instance when I was studying for me DDI Teaching qualifications, I mind mapped every grade and exercise, colour coded everything and covered my wardrobe in all of the pieces of paper. It was great I had to look at the information every time I went to bed, got anything out of the wardrobe, it made me look and take in small buts of information at a time.

I have always been aware of reflective practices as it's something I do in my career everyday, but I don't think I have really thought about it in detail where it came from or the ideas that reflect from it.
One of my favourite parts of reading was almost that defining moment with Donald Schon and Tharp and Reiter. It was associated with dancing and that helped me relate my own practices very easily to the subject. I tried to think of moments when I have to 'Reflection in Action' and I have to every night  when I perform.

For instance last night during our evening show the curtains opened and the team were not set ready to begin the show, male singers didn't have mics and some team members didn't have props. Therefore everyone instantly reacting and reacting to each other, having those subtle tell tale signs of 'I'm going to do this' so telling me that I need to do something else to counteract it.
Now however stressful it may have been in those first few songs of sheer panic and mind going crazy with thoughts of this person needs to this, they need to that. You can't just think about yourself in this instance you're in a team there are 6 other people on the stage having to respond to everything as it happens.

Now reading through Tharp and Reiter 2006, I could really relate. As only recently I had the challenge of teaching new team members the routines/shows we have here at Norton Grange. We had 4 shows and 10 days to make a dent in them. Teaching the new dancer her part, I know the choreography I've been doing it for over a year but when I had to tell and explain the choreography to her my mind kept going blank, I was second guessing myself, I couldn't think of the moves let alone the counts. Its a completely different concept putting what our feet are doing into words to come out of our mouths.

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