Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Day 1

To Do List:

Print Modules and Handbooks - Done
Read Modules and Handbooks - Done
Research and read other BAPP Blogs - Done and on going
Start my BAPP Blog -

This course encourages you to write down your thoughts and feelings and how do I currently feel?
Relieved! Because I am finally getting round to starting my BAPP Blog and approaching the tasks. My brain is completely fried, I am physically and mentally exhausted but it's now my day off and I'm ready to relax.

Since starting the course I have moved back to The Isle of Wight and started back at work for Warner Leisure Hotels. I have been here 18 days and it has been non stop! For the last 2 weeks we have been rehearsing ready to open our 4 shows. Friday 24th was opening night and the team smashed it! Which makes all the hard work over the last few weeks worth it! Rehearsals are still on going and we have a lot of work to do but we are all lucky to be part of a strong and supportive team to help each other get through it.

Starting and setting up this blog was challenging enough but I am looking forward to learning and developing my career and future career paths through this BAPP Course.

This is the start of my new adventure. . . .

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